Attack on Predator Scout Ship Pursuit on Colorado Massacre on Colorado Attack on the Gunnison County sewers Massacre on Gunnison County sewers Clean on Colorado Second pursuit on Colorado Hunt on Gunnison County sewers Attack on the Gunninson's diner Hunt on Gunnison power plant Attack on Gunnison's high school Attack on O'Brien home Hunt on Gunninson's high school Hunt on Gunninson's Graveheart Attack on Gunnison County Hospital Ambush on Gunnison's street Hunt on sporting goods store Massacre on County Hospital Hunt on County Hospital Defense on Gilian Circle Fight on the County Hospital's roof Destruction of Gunninson
Gunninson destroyed. All Aliens, Predalien, Wolf Predator and almost Humans of Gunninson destroyed. Dallas, Kelly, Ricky and Molly survive.