Hunt on Swamp Planet a conflict between Aliens and Predators.
A group of Predators came to a swamp planet to hunt the Aliens, Top-Kot lead them, they follow him.
2 days after they land Top-Kot and 9 Predators searching more Aliens, in the trees Ligh-Spear found a Flying Alien with chest opened, Two Strippers approaching and punch
on Light-Spear and fall in water, he jump on branch at front of Two Stippers to attack but Top-Kot interfered, he tinking at Two Strippes about did that, then ordened Light-Spear to move, as the Predators continue the search
Light-Spear look pissed to Two Strippers.The Predators enter spread in the trees on a swamp will Top-Kot in a branch watch them.
Inside of the Swamp Two Strippers looking the Aliens, then spot Light-Spear in the water, Light-Spear searching the Aliens, suddenly a Warrior Alien attack with his tail on Light-Spear's mask dropping it, the Warrior rise, he and Light-Spear jump to fight, Warrior Alien smash the Light-Spear's spear with the tail, Light-Spear rise his wristblades to attack but Warrior Alien hit on the chest with the head making Light-Spear fall in the ground, Light-Spear try to get up Warrior Alien grab on a Light-Spear's jaw right and rip it, then Light-Spear scratched him with his wristblades, during the fight Two Strippers watch, Light-Spear cut the Warrior Alien's head
but a lot of Alien Blood jump to Light-Spear's hand left and melted and he fall in to the ground, Two Strippers approach he watch him and he took the Warrior Alien's head and a hand he cut and left Light-Spear. Hidden in the trees Two Strippers pretending he hunt a Warrior Alien, put Alien Blood on the his right hand and he scratched his left leg with the Warrior Alien's hand, he run to meet Top-Kot and the others Predators but he has been shock to see the Predators holding Light-Spear he apoint to Two Strippers and they look to him, they already know what he has done thanks to Light-Spear's information.
On sunshire the Predators take Light-Spear to the Predator Vessel and the others Predators enter with their trophys and leave the Swamp Planet, as for the Two Strippers he was left as
pushiment helpless with only his Predator Mask trapped with 3 Warriors Aliens.