The Ne'dtesei was the Predator Frigate ship of Dachande's Clan. It orbited the planet of Ryushi during an initiation hunt led by Dachande.
- Dachande - Clan Leader/Leader (Deceased)
- Top-Knot - Leader
- Skemte - Adjutant (Deceased)
- Warkha - Adjutant (Deceased)
- Tichinde - Unofficial Leader (Bad Blood) (Deceased)
- Gkyaun (Deceased)
- Aseigan (Deceased)
- Chulonte (Deceased)
- Oc'djy (Deceased)
- Mahnde (Deceased)
- Skl'da'-si (Deceased)
- Da-ec'te (Deceased)
- Ghardeh (Deceased)
- M'icli-de (Deceased)
- Etah'-dte (Deceased)
- Of the original known members of the Ne'dtesei, Top-Knot is the only currently surviving Yautja. However, it should be noted that in the novelization of the original comic series, Top-Knot did not exist, and the Yautja that duelled Dachande was instead retconned as Tichinde.
- Aliens vs. Predator/novel